Thursday, May 21, 2020

Fresh Squeezed Alkaline Homemade Limeade

Fresh Squeezed Alkaline Homemade Limeade 

Ingredients that will you need:

 Recipe yields up to 6 cups of serving. 

  • 18-25 key limes
  • 1/4 cup of agave 
  • 6 cups of spring water
  • Dash of sea salt
  • 3-5 basil leaves 
  • Mason Jar


  1. Squeeze limes into a mason jar 
  2. Pour spring water, agave, and sea salt
  3. Stir all ingredients until mixed in, and top off with some basil and key lime slices (optional)
  4. Refrigerate and pour a glass and serve with ice and enjoy! 

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